Quentin Bouniot
Postdoctoral Researcher
Github Linkedin Website quentin.bouniot at gmail.com Google Scholar


Quentin Bouniot is a post-doctoral researcher in the Explainable Machine Learning group, led by Prof. Zeynep Akata. He was previously a post-doctoral researcher at Telecom Paris, working with Prof. Florence-d'Alché-Buc and Prof. Pavlo Mozharovskyi. He got his PhD conjointly with Université Jean-Monnet Saint-Étienne, under the supervision of Prof. Amaury Habrard, and CEA-List, under the supervision of Romaric Audigier and Angélique Loesch. He graduated from CentraleSupélec in 2019.

His current research topic focus on Uncertainty and Explainability in Deep Learning models. The topic of his PhD was on Few-shot Learning and Meta-Learning, applied to Object Detection and Image Segmentation. More generally, he is interested in Deep Representation Learning applied in Computer Vision.